
EDTC 6341 Fall 2008

Page history last edited by Janice Wilson Butler 16 years, 1 month ago

Welcome to the opening page of your course wiki.  This page will contain links to all pages that you will need for your course this semester. Links to student pages are below course pages.


Direct Links to final FACTS Designs:


Armando Arechiga*: The Colony Project

Blanca Pena: Web Mastering-Digital Design

Cynthia Manrrique-Zartuche: Multimedia Competition

Julian Moron: Impact of Career Choices in Personal Lifestyle

Kay Groves*: Cyber Law

Linda Garza*: Water Systems

Liza Moreno*: The Perfect Vacation: Working at a Travel Agency

Lori Martinez*: Renewable Energy

Rogelio Ramos: Building Donna's Bridge

Scott Amhdahl*: Our Footprints, Our Future

Veronica Baca*: Healthy Eating

Whitney Kilgore: Family Tree


I counted the following as needing to present: Armando, Blanca, Cindy, Julian, Renato, Rogelio, Whitney, Lori.

If you have not yet presented your lesson, please sign up below in the order in which you would like to present:

1. Rogelio Ramos

2. Armando Arechiga

3. Lori Martinez

4. Julian Moron

5. Blanca E. Peña

6. Linda Garza

7. Renato Martinez

8. Whitney Kilgore


Click here to sign up for your individual session with the instructor.


6341 Fall 2008 Profiles - Please upload your photo and add a brief biographical sketch here.


6341 Fall 2008 Technology Orientation page - Please post the URL for your technology orientation Power Point here.


6341Fall 2008 Murder Mystery - Please sign up for your Murder Mystery team here.


6341 Fall  2008 Research Paper

- Please post the URL for your research paper here.


2008 Student work pages:


Aida Cantu

Armando Arechiga

Blanca Pena

Cynthia Zartuche-Manrrique

Evelia Garcia

Julian Moron

Kay Groves

Linda Garza

Liza Moreno

Lori Martinez

Renato Martinez

Rogelio Ramos

Scott Amdahl

Veronica Baca

Whitney Kilgore



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