Has education changed? Watch this brief movie and add a comment below. What does the classroom of today look like? How can it change tomorrow? How will that happen?
One Hundred Years of Technology
It is amazing how all of the futurist of a generation can be so wrong about the future and the impact of various technologies. I believe that is because of the viral nature of technology. Once people begin using a technology, they will invariably use it in ways far different from what the developer, just one person, will do. That is because you have the collective conscious of all of those users, millions, trying out and using the technology.
The Soviet Air Force was very weak on innovation. They stole most of their technology from the West. When experts were able to examine the latest in Soviet technology, they often found that it was not innovative, but was existing technology taken to its highest level. It was very good old technology. A Futurist is in the same boat as a Soviet engineer was. He can envision the logical conclusion to today’s existing technology, but he cannot predict the effect unexpected new technologies or applications will have. Inevitable, the future will veer off.
I was also impressed with the tremendous inertial of the classroom environment over the years as evidenced by desk design, location and demeanor of students and teachers. The current layout and teaching model has its roots in the education system of the industrial revolution where one of the goals of public education was to make good obedient factory workers. That is the predominant teacher centered model used today. It is slowly changing, but it may take generations of teachers before it really evolves.
Technology Integration
The predominant uses of technology in the classroom today seem to be teacher centered where the teacher uses the technology to deliver content and technology classes where students learn how to use technology such as word processing, presentation software, etc. It is not student centered learning where No Child Left Behind (NCLB) wants the schools to be. In student centered learning, technology is the tool students should use to produce a professional product in collaboration with their peers. It is the medium for production, not the end in itself.
Effective TI
-Authentic. What happens when the "geewhiz" of a technology like smart boards is gone? (Remember Power Point and it's cutsie animations?) If there isn't any substantive student centered learning, then the technology is a waste. There has to be more. It is a question of substance over style.
"Effective integration of technology is achieved when students are able to select technology tools to help them obtain information in a timely manner, analyze and synthesize the information, and present it professionally. The technology should become an integral part of how the classroom functions-- as accessible as all other classroom tools.” From Dr. Butler’s Technology integration video
The portion of this quote that struck me was “…students are able to select technology tools….” Most teachers, myself included, tend to narrowly define what tools and media a student will use for a presentation. This quote struck me, perhaps out of context, that in a mature technology situation in the classroom, the student selects the technology tool most suited to their needs and their understanding of the assignment.
Authentic. It still sounds like a buzzword to me and I resist it while at the same time learning more about what it means. It seems to mean that authentic learning has real world application and relevance. Real world in that it connects to the STUDENTS world rather that my own.
Effective TI
The Pen Rubric example. We don't make a rubric where we evaluate student's use of the pen when we have a writing assignment. The technology of the pen is transparent. Content is the key. We need to get to that point in other technologies. We are encouraged to use technology rubrics in assessment as well in content evaluation. This presentation implies that once we reach the point where current new technologies are mature and transparent, we would no longer evaluate their use in applications. Until that point, rubrics assessing technology serve to keep the technology use in focus for the teacher.
AACCIPGP- “Almost all cows can ingest pickled garlic” I didn’t understand what this acronym means and what its relevance was to Effective Technology. I hope to get this clarified in later discussions.
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Comments (4)
Bill Young said
at 8:41 pm on Sep 23, 2008
One Hundred Years of Technology
It is amazing how all of the futurist of a generation can be so wrong about the future and the impact of various technologies. I believe that is because of the viral nature of technology. Once people begin using a technology, they will invariably use it in ways far different from what the developer, just one person, will do. That is because you have the collective conscious of all of those users, millions, trying out and using the technology.
The Soviet Air Force was very weak on innovation. They stole most of their technology from the West. When experts were able to examine the latest in Soviet technology, they often found that it was not innovative, but was existing technology taken to its highest level. It was very good old technology. A Futurist is in the same boat as a Soviet engineer was. He can envision the logical conclusion to today’s existing technology, but he cannot predict the effect unexpected new technologies or applications will have. Inevitable, the future will veer off.
I was also impressed with the tremendous inertial of the classroom environment over the years as evidenced by desk design, location and demeanor of students and teachers. The current layout and teaching model has its roots in the education system of the industrial revolution where one of the goals of public education was to make good obedient factory workers. That is the predominant teacher centered model used today. It is slowly changing, but it may take generations of teachers before it really evolves.
Bill Young said
at 8:42 pm on Sep 23, 2008
Technology Integration
The predominant uses of technology in the classroom today seem to be teacher centered where the teacher uses the technology to deliver content and technology classes where students learn how to use technology such as word processing, presentation software, etc. It is not student centered learning where No Child Left Behind (NCLB) wants the schools to be. In student centered learning, technology is the tool students should use to produce a professional product in collaboration with their peers. It is the medium for production, not the end in itself.
Bill Young said
at 8:44 pm on Sep 23, 2008
Effective TI
-Authentic. What happens when the "geewhiz" of a technology like smart boards is gone? (Remember Power Point and it's cutsie animations?) If there isn't any substantive student centered learning, then the technology is a waste. There has to be more. It is a question of substance over style.
"Effective integration of technology is achieved when students are able to select technology tools to help them obtain information in a timely manner, analyze and synthesize the information, and present it professionally. The technology should become an integral part of how the classroom functions-- as accessible as all other classroom tools.” From Dr. Butler’s Technology integration video
The portion of this quote that struck me was “…students are able to select technology tools….” Most teachers, myself included, tend to narrowly define what tools and media a student will use for a presentation. This quote struck me, perhaps out of context, that in a mature technology situation in the classroom, the student selects the technology tool most suited to their needs and their understanding of the assignment.
Authentic. It still sounds like a buzzword to me and I resist it while at the same time learning more about what it means. It seems to mean that authentic learning has real world application and relevance. Real world in that it connects to the STUDENTS world rather that my own.
Bill Young said
at 8:45 pm on Sep 23, 2008
Effective TI
The Pen Rubric example. We don't make a rubric where we evaluate student's use of the pen when we have a writing assignment. The technology of the pen is transparent. Content is the key. We need to get to that point in other technologies. We are encouraged to use technology rubrics in assessment as well in content evaluation. This presentation implies that once we reach the point where current new technologies are mature and transparent, we would no longer evaluate their use in applications. Until that point, rubrics assessing technology serve to keep the technology use in focus for the teacher.
AACCIPGP- “Almost all cows can ingest pickled garlic” I didn’t understand what this acronym means and what its relevance was to Effective Technology. I hope to get this clarified in later discussions.
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