Renato Martinez


Design Challenge II



The Efficiency  Model


A Learning Design




Top 10 Principles of the Efficiency Model Top 10 Challenges of Efficiency Model      

1. Determine Goals

2. Identify Learning Objectives

3. Assemble Intructional Resources

4. Series of Instruction

5. Establish Learner Outcomes

6. Standardized Assesments of Learning

7. Reinforce Learning

8. Applied Learning

9. Abundancy of Information (www)

10. Conclusion

1. Limited Textbooks

2. Technology Availability in the Classroom

3. Limited Collaboration

4. Inadequate Time Available

5. Restricted Cross Reference in Subjects

6. Thematic Lesson Planning

7. Students Needs are Not Met

8. Student Standards Vary

9. Individual Study

10. Insufficient Fact Knowledge



Step 1: Define a Learn Goal Students will create a PowerPoint Presentation about their Family Tree               
Step 2: State Objectives

The students will learn how to effectively convey a message using a PowerPoint presentation

and applying it to their family history.

Step 3: Sequence Instruction

1. Students will be Introduced on how to use PowerPoint effectively

2. Students will be taught how to make a Family Tree

3. Students will create their own PowerPoint Presentation about their Family Tree

4. Students will present their PowerPoint Presntation to the class

Step 4; Determine Learning Success

1. Was the PowerPoint presentation designed using effectiveness

2. Did the student teach us about their family

3. Overall Presetation Skill, Speaking, Addressing Audiencel, & Professionalism 

A Reflection & Critique of the Design

With this design students will be afforded the opportuninty to embrace and engage

in their family history.  This will allow the student not only to learn on how to use technology

but to dig in to their own family roots and learn about their individual families.  The use of

technology by students may vary as they may not all have the same capabilities of effective

powerpoint design. 





Design Challenge III



The Facts Model of Design


 Teachers as Designers: A Cinquain Poem


                 A teacher is a person

                 That Challenge our minds

                 And shape them to new ones

                 To think of inovations and solutions

                 In todays real problems



Techers as Designers: A Diamante Poem



               Compassionate, Thoughtful                    

          Fascinating, Inspiring, Excitinging

     Scholars, Leaders, Achievers, Learners

           Encouraging, Helping, Caring

                Imaginative, Creative



FACTS Design Model Summary

The FACTS Design model is comprised of five sections.  These

five sections are what comprise a lesson plan to be more effective.

F is for Foundation

The background knowledge (schema) and skills of students

that are required prior to undergoing a new endeavor

in class.  This can come from personal experiences

or subjects that are taught in school.

A is for Activity

The process in which students are engaged in learning .  

Students get to the opportunity to experience new

and exciting facets that are a learning experience. 

C is for Content

The content is what the student is exposed to.  It is

what truly gives meaning to the student and what 

they learn. 

T is For Tools

These are the tools that Educators use to enhance the content and learning

of the student.  When used appropriately, tools will support content Mastery.

S is for System of Assesment

Assesments, or ruberics, will measure the extent to which material has

been properly mastered by the student.  Quality of instruction can

also be adjusted based on these results.




Facts Design Lesson Plan