Welcome to my list of links and information on gaming in education.
For now, this site has links to games and resources primarily revolving around science. As I get more information and find more links, I will add to the site. If you have any suggestions or "must do" games for students, please shoot me an email so that I can add to this site. Eventually, I will have more sites listed across subject areas. This can happen faster with your support.
Games, games, games and more games
Portal to Rice University Web-Adventure Games
Information for teachers about Web-Adventures - grade level, subject, length for game, etc.
Games in Science Education Conference Links - many excellent and free games.
Tricia Trimpe's Science Spotlight: Online Resources for Learning/RICE gaming conference
Immune Attack - Middle and high school students try to fix a teenager’s immunodeficiency by piloting a nanobot through his body and teaching his immune system how to fight off a bacterial infection. In the process, they gain knowledge of cell biology and molecular science. LINK TO DOWNLOAD IMMUNE ATTACK GAME .
Science games and other resources from The Sciencespot.net
Walking with Beasts games from ABC TV. Great games about fossils, camouflage, jigsaws and all sorts of other goodies.
Brain Teasers and Optical Illusions from Yahoo. These are pretty cool!!
ScienceGames4you4free - games for science - have not looked at it yet, but looks interesting - well, OK, I did check it out and found some pretty interesting stuff: Fingerprinting here>> http://www.wonderville.ca/asset/fingerprint-activity
http://www.wonderville.ca - cool stuff
Where to find Science Games from the Federation of American Scientists
Science Games
Energy game - Chevron's Will You Join Us Energy Game
Quarked - Quarked! - Adventures in the Subatomic Universe brings subatomic physics to life through a multimedia project including an interactive website, a facilitated program for museums and schools, and an educational outreach program, and games.
QuarkNet - Simulations and activities for high school students and physics. Way over my head - but might be a good resource for high school students. Simulations - but pretty text based from what I skimmed.
Science Games for Kids
Interesting array of games for kids
Science Vocabulary Hangman - A wide range of science vocabulary words to help students drill. By science, topic and grade level. Teachers can add their own vocabulary words.
Links to Loads of Games for science and simulations from Utah Education Network.
Andrew's Free Educational Games Wiki for Kids - I built this for my nephew's birthday and add fun stuff when I run across it. Good for grades 3-5.
Virtual Worlds
Whyville - Whyville is a virtual world geared for teen and pre-teen girls and boys. Whyville's millions of registered "citizens" come from all over to learn, create, and have fun together. Whyville is their world. Whyville has places to go, things to do, and of course, people to see. Whyville has its own newspaper, its own Senators, its own beach, museum, City Hall and town square, its own suburbia, and even its own economy - citizens earn "clams" by playing educational games. And much, much, much more!
Game creation software
Ed Games site - using Office for games; includes many templates
Game Salad - for iPhone and iPad
Kodu - Kodu is a visual programming language made specifically for creating games. It is designed to be accessible for children and enjoyable for anyone. Kodu is a free download for the PC. Presentation about Kodu from Jessica Pettyjohn can be found here.
GameStarMechanics - Become a master game designer and test games in Beta. Various competitions are frequently held for new games.
PlayCrafter - Play games/make games
Sploder - Where game dreams come true. Want to make your own online games for free? Sploder ™ makes it super easy for you to make your own free games online and share them with your friends. Make your own platformer games, spaceship shooters, and more! And now our new space adventure game has it's own creator too!
YoYo Games - Where the world comes to play, make and share games. Game Maker 8 can be downloaded here.
Game Templates for PowerPoint, Excel and more
http://people.uncw.edu/ertzbergerj/msgames.htm - EXCELLENT site for many, many, game templates for the everyday classroom teacher; check out the template for Matrix.
http://resources.oswego.org/games/ Awesome site of the day contributed by Karen Arrington, Lower School Technology Specialist. An awesome site for game templates to create your own games with lots of examples. You don't want to miss this site.
Demos and "not free" stuff
Dimension U - math and science games; some stuff is free; most are just demos - but a wide variety of serious games.
Interactive activities, simulations, and more
Thinkfinity - a great place to begin your search for interactive games and simulations and teacher support materials.
A really wonderful site for games - Wonderville
Escape from the Mummy's Tomb - problem-solving game; you can guess the topic
Links to many different free games for education 4 free4you
Fingerprinting game - with links to many more high quality games
Blogs on Gaming
The Ancient Gaming Noob - not for education, but may still be interesting
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