Discussion rubric (Sp2012)



3 points

2 points

1 points

0 point

Quality of information

Information clearly relates to the main topic and adds new concepts, information. It includes several supporting details and/or examples

Information clearly relates to the main topic. It provides at least1 supporting detail or example

Information clearly relates to the main topic. No details and/or examples are given

Information has little or nothing to do with the main topic or simply restates the main concept


Consistently provides reading references – highlights ALL readings

Occasionally provides resources even if not required

Provides resources when requested

No mention of resources



Enhances the critical thinking process consistently through premise reflection and difference questioning of self and others.

Critical thinking and premise reflection is demonstrated in discussion by the individual only.

Responds to questions but does not engage in premise reflection.

Does not respond to questions posed or give evidence of critical thinking by the facilitator.


Encourages and facilitates interaction among members of the online community

Responds (only) to other members of the online community.

Rarely interacts or responds to other members of the online community.

Responds to the discussion facilitator only OR offers no response.



Both professional vocabulary and writing style are used consistently throughout the discussion.

Both professional vocabulary and writing style are used frequently throughout the discussion.

Both professional vocabulary and writing style are used occasionally throughout the discussion.

Professional vocabulary and writing style are not used.







Based upon:

Finch,  A. & Connelly, L. (2001, December).  Discussion rubric. Retrieved from Fort Hays State University website: http://academictech.doit.wisc.edu/ORFI/otr/images/discussion_rubric2.pdf