Week 12 - Creating the feedback instrument (Sp2012)


The students in your class will be receiving feedback via the formative and summative instruments you have developed to measure the depth and breadth of their learning. However, it is also important that as a designer, you have a clear idea how well your design scaffolded them during their learning.


Learning Outcomes




Weekly assignment

To-do--Part 1

Your grade will be predicated upon the following:


To do


  1. Using the information in the readings and your book, create a feedback instrument to share with the teacher/proxy for your design. Be sure to build the questions** around the learning objectives established for you during the course. Be sure to also include questions regarding the selection and use of the Google tools as well as your approach and overall design.  Note: the questions will have different emphases depending on whether another teacher or a proxy was used.

  2. Submit via email to me for review.
  3. After receiving my comments, give to the teacher/proxy and ask him/her to respond as quickly as possible upon completion of the unit. 











**minimum of 15


Part 2

Begin piecing together all the project "deliverables" into one cohesive document.Be sure to review the APA 6th edition heading and seriation on the OWL site.


After the deliverable for week 11, add this feedback form and teacher/proxy response to the paper. Be sure to include rationale for the selection of the questions as well reasons for the importance of feedback and how it was expected to impact the iterative nature of your design.


A copy and paste of your survey is expected to be included in the paper as well as a link if it is online. This will be formally submitted at the end of the course with the final project paper.


Congratulations - you have just finished week 12!





Pages are maintained by Linda E. Newell
The University of Texas at Brownsville and Texas Southmost College

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