Week 14 - How do you spell C-O-L-L-A-B-O-R-A-T-I-O-N (F2012)


Even if you are not a proponent of collaboration as a pedagogic tenet, you must admit there is quite a bit of research on the subject. Many feel it is integral in preparing our students for life in a 21st century, global workplace. But how should this look in the classroom? How do teachers introduce and develop these skills in their students? And finally, how can Web 2.0 tools provide a motivational and engaging scaffold for this development in our students?


Learning Outcomes




This week you will read:





          Because of the time sensitive nature of the information given during our seminar

          time, this assignment is to be received no later than the Thursday following the

          seminar meeting date. The synopsis is to be emailed to your instructor and

          timestamped by midnight. Papers received after Thursday will be accepted until the

          Sunday of the course closing for this week with a 20% deduction. After midnight,

          papers will no longer be accepted.


Your grade for attendance will be predicated upon the following rubric:


To do


Offer quality, reflective commentary regarding all readings (see rubric)


Arrive on time, stay entire meeting, follow rules of netiquette



Your grade for a written response will be predicated upon the following rubric:


To do


Quality reflections concerning discussion and statements by both faculty and students


Quality response to each question posed during MoM



Weekly Assignment


By nature, Web 2.0 tools are collaborative. One of the leaders in collaborative tool-making is  









To do-

Before you begin, watch this video for an overview of this project. (Ignore the reference to

"Samantha" - one day I will redo the video and make it fully generic!)


Your grade will be predicated upon the following:


To do


Find a partner (we do have two classes, don't forget.) Click here to sign up!  If you do not have a Gmail account, you will need to create one. (I will be included as a member of every team - drlindaenewell@gmail.com .)


Using Google Docs / Documents, collaboratively create a two page proposal to give to your department head/manager. In it, you are to make a case for why you need an extreme office makeover (maybe even a real office!) and how this will positively affect your productivity. Use as many features of this application as you can. Remember to cite all sources. Save as lastname-lastname-proposal.


Next, collaboratively work up a budget using Google Docs / Spreadsheet. Include all costs associated with the extreme make-over. Then do a comparison as to how your increased productivity will offset the expenditure in xx months. Remember to cite all sources. Use as many features of this application as you can. Save as  lastname-lastname-cost.


Finally, using Google Docs / Presentations, collaboratively create a presentation to show to your supervisor highlighting the proposal and budget. This is your time to be most convincing that the extreme office makeover will = money in the company's pocket in the long run. The presentation must be exactly 8 slides long, including title slide. Remember to cite all sources. Use as many features of this application as you can.Save as lastname-lastname-money.


Don't forget that I am to be made a partner with each group so that I am able to access your work for a grade. 



Note: Collaboration entries (who, what, when, and number of times) are automatically recorded in Google Docs. The framework within which both partners' grades will be based is the level of quality and involvement, which is expected to be balanced, appropriate, and shared.



Congratulations - you have just finished week 14!



Click on the graphic below if you have questions!




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Pages are maintained by Linda Evans Newell, PhD
The University of Texas at Brownsville

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