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6329 Week 12

Page history last edited by Janice Wilson Butler 10 years, 4 months ago

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Week 12 - Summer 4B        EDTC 6329 Special Topics

Session Plan and Activities

This week you will be reviewing Chapter 12 and reflecting on how this rule can be used in online instruction.

  • Week 12 Materials - this page
  • Brain Rules Chapter 12

We will not have online discussion this week. Instead, you will be joining the Diigo group for EDTC 6329 and you will be selecting the week that you will be "hosting" the group. Actual posting to Diigo will no begin until Week 3. Each week, at least one person from each section of the class will be hosting the group topic for the week and all students will be responding.  Directions about how to do this activity will follow in the "Deliverables" section below.

Due this Week

The actions you need to complete this week as well as directions for each activity follow.

Read Chapter 12 and reflect on how this can be  used to make your project more effective.  You may begin incorporating this into your project.




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